2014 IRI
Ranked second after 9 qualification matches with a record of 8 and 1, the team went into alliance selections with many options. Team 254, The Cheesy Poofs selected team 1114 from Governor Simcoe St Catharines and we picked World Champion team 469, The Las Guerrillas from Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. Selections continued and we added to our alliance team 1625 Winnovation from Winnebago, Illinois and Team 4039 Makeshift Robotics from Hamilton. The alliance made it through the quarter finals 2 games straight and then into the semi’s. We lost the first match and it was messy but came back to win the next two semi-finals taking the number 2 alliance to the finals versus the number 1 alliance of 254, 1114, 330, and 2013. The first finals match was a back and forth ordeal, each team matching their opponents, as ball after ball was cycled through and scored. In the end the score was 281-321 with a penalty making the difference and our alliance wining. The second finals match was just like the first, back and forth scoring by both alliances. Part way through the match 1114’s robot got caught on our robot and the two could not free themselves and ended up “dancing” in the middle of the field for part of the match. They eventually stopped struggling and remained motionless for the remainder of the match. At the end, the score was tied except for one penalty, again against the red alliance giving the win and the tournament to 2056, 469, 1625 and 4039. Congratulations to the entire team. What a great way to end a fantastic season. Well done to our graduating students Chris Pyc, Mac Wells, Will Alex, John Muchynski, David Harris, Nicole Mech, Evan VanDuzer, Amandeep Panesar