The first week of February, Team 2056 was invited to participate in a mission trip by former team member, Evan VanDuzer. Evan lead three students (Dante Petitti, Rishab Jain, and Anna VanDuzer) to a local school in the Dominican Republic called the Nest of Love. While they were down there, they taught the students and the teachers at the Nest Of Love school the basics of Lego robotics. The students and Evan’s instruction covered building and the building blocks for computer programming. In addition to the information taught, 5 laptops were donated on behalf of Softchoice Cares and 4 Lego robotics NXT kits donated by the team. Despite the short period of time the team was in the Dominican, it was evident that a strong and profound interest in technology had been instilled in the minds of the youth at the Nest of Love school. We look forward to seeing their improvement on their own and seeing the results of their local science and technology convention.